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  >  Posts tagged "period graphics"

Acme Graphics have a one stop, off the shelf solution - we have created a set of fictional, royalty free graphics covering 60 years: wartime 1940s graphics, 1950s props daddy-o, far out 1960s set dressing, groovy 1970s hand props, cool 1980s prop graphics and wicked 1990s prop artwork. All of the designs are fully researched

We replicated screen graphic designs from the 2019 Newsnight set background, which had to be as close as possible to the original work. Photo Manipulation for Scoop Here at Acme we have plenty of experience in photo manipulation for character photos. Whether it’s placing characters into group photos or into infamous scenes like the ‘Virginia Photo’

'Year of the Rabbit' is a spoof, police comedy-drama for Channel 4 set in Victorian London and stars BAFTA winner Matt Berry as the unlikely East End detective. The Victorian-themed sets required period graphics to set the scene, Acme Graphics were on hand throughout production and filming, we created many period items from matchboxes to signage. The

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