Vintage, Retro and Period props for art departments
Are you in need of some vintage set dressing and retro posters or period graphic props and prints for your production set in the 20th Century, but are unsure about the clearance and copyright issues?
It is critical to get the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties period details for graphic props just right
Acme Graphics have a one stop, off the shelf solution – we have created a set of fictional, royalty free graphics covering 60 years: wartime 1940s graphics, 1950s props daddy-o, far out 1960s set dressing, groovy 1970s hand props, cool 1980s prop graphics and wicked 1990s prop artwork.
All of the designs are fully researched and designed to be appropriate to the decade, and will look totally in place and help to enhance the look of scenes set in the past.
Browse the graphics for the relevant decade, select the items you require and order them by email or over the phone, we will print them lickety split, how easy is that?
If any of the artwork is not quite right, we can edit all of them to fit your brief, or design and print specific, bespoke graphic items as needed. We can also design convincing period graphics for all other decades, from before and after the sixty year span covered above. If your production is set after the year 2,000 or before 1939, we can help, just get in contact.
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