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  >  Articles posted by Nick Hellman (Page 2)

When supplying prop money, whether GBP, USD or any other foreign currency, we always apply the rules and restrictions as specified by the Bank of England, you can view their prop banknote requirements here. You can review images of the prop money we have provided in the past - on our website, however if you

When filming at a location which needs to represent somewhere completely different, the addition of convincing street signage helps the viewer suspend their disbelief. We also have a selection of previous street and road signs you can view to gauge the variety of options we can offer. If you have anything specific or unusual you

One of the requests was to create illustration artwork for the hero beef cut chalkboard style poster. Every detail was thought-through including using the correct cow outline, highlighting certain cuts of meat with tonal variation while creating an authentic chalkboard effect.   We have been very luck to supply graphics for previous McDonald’s campaigns including

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