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  >  Blog   >  Acme Bespoke Prop Banknote Designs Are More Versatile
Acme designed bespoke £50 style prop banknotes

Many productions require scenes featuring prop banknotes, but printed double sided and at a size which is close to real banknotes, both of which are against the rules set by the Bank of England and other national currencies around the world. Therefore Acme have designed bespoke fake banknotes, which from a distance give the impression of real banknotes, but are different enough to avoid some of the stricter rules and restrictions.

Acme designed bespoke £20 style prop banknotes

Clever bespoke banknote designs which can be used in more shots

Acme designed dollar style prop banknotes

For most requests we can print and supply prop bank notes which adhere to all of the rules and restrictions imposed by the bank authorities. But sometimes art departments need to feature banknotes flying through the air, being thrown down onto a table or being waved around in a fan of notes. To meet this need we have designed a set of prop money artwork which closely resemble GBP, USD and Euros in terms of colour and composition for mid and long shots, but are different enough to be considered novelty, fake designs and would not require the same restrictions.


Acme designed 100 Euro style prop banknotes

For full details about what can and can not be printed when supplying prop money using the actual, real artwork, and how these bespoke designs can be printed, contact us.

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