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  >  action props   >  Post brexit blue prop passports
new british passport 2020 plus fictional version
Making authentic-looking prop passports is one of our specialties. We have created U.K., foreign, fictional, period and contemporary passports which have appeared in many different productions. A range of our official documents are now viewable on our new website, in addition to prop passports you can also view our driving licenses, security passes, tickets, utility bills and receipts.

UK passport inside pages

Hero passports created for The Stranger on Netflix

The design of the new British passport is quite different, keeping abreast of the changes to a blue/black cover and updated inside page layout, we have created an accurate design that should also meet the restrictions for use as a film and television prop. As these passports are replicas of an official document, they will always require clearance from the Crown Copyright advisor.


  • May 22, 2023
    Mrs. Sztyblewsky

    Teacher of high school drama. Interested in obtaining any “old” version UK passport for educational drama purposes.

    • May 23, 2023
      Nick Hellman

      Hi Mrs.Sztyblewsky,
      Please email your request to info@acmegraphics.co.uk with the details of your production and the School you are working for, and we can get back to you with the details and quote.

  • June 18, 2022
    Daniel Crespo Lara

    Teacher of School of Forensic Sciences. Interested in obtain a prop of british passport for educational movie purposes.

  • November 23, 2021
    Zac Elias

    What’s the cost? And how do I order one?

  • July 5, 2021
    Andres Orduna

    Hey! That looks nice! How to get one? Cost?

  • April 11, 2021
    Jerome smith

    I would like to get a british passport prop. How can I get one and cost

  • November 27, 2020

    How do I get one ?

  • November 4, 2020
    Dwight D'Aguilar

    How do I get one

    • November 4, 2020

      Hi Dwight!

      We have dropped you an email!

  • March 10, 2020

    Very impressive mock up of the new British Passport!

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