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  >  Blog   >  Period dressing & paperwork for ‘The Great’
Catherine the great's family tree

Last year we were asked to design and print many period items for ‘The Great’ which is a production featuring the early adult life of Catherine the Great, commissioned and screened by HULU but then taken up by Channel 4 to be broadcast later this year.

Period graphic props for ‘The Great’

The art department required a lot of dressing items and incidental paperwork which had to be designed with the correct period detail including calligraphy, illustration and paper finishes. Not only did we print authentic lettering onto handmade paper and parchment, we hand stitched the pamphlets and booklets.

One interesting item we created was the Romanov dynasty family tree with family crests and fine detailed illustration.

We always enjoy creating period graphics as it throws up different challenges and approaches to contemporary graphic props.


vintage prop pamphlets 2

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