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  >  Blog   >  Painstaking mosaic artwork for Bridgerton
Bridgerton season 3 trailer shot of the mosaic

In September 2022 we were approached to create artwork for a large, complex floor mosaic design for Netflix’s hit show; Bridgerton season 3. The art department had attempted to create the artwork using photoshop filters, but the results looked like an unconvincing filter, not as a genuine mosaic made from individual tiles.

Bridgerton floor mosaic before and afterThe image to be converted to a mosaic was sent over, and we commenced the long and arduous task of creating the mosaic digitally in Adobe Illustrator. Many of the small tessera ’tiles’ were placed individually as there was no other method to form the shapes and colour gradations of a real mosaic, however we did employ some techniques to speed up the process.

Work in progress meticulously placing the digital tiles to form a complex mosaic design

Work in progress creating the mosaic


It took many days work to create a convincing mosaic design

A detail of the final mosaic design for Bridgerton

Detail of the final mosaic artwork


Once all of the thousands of tiny tesserae were in place, we applied some texture and a grout colour. The artwork was then sent to a large format printer, and the final piece was 10 meters x 5 meters and placed on the set.

Shot of the printed mosaic as the Bridgerton set was being constructed


On screen the effect is very convincing, and looks like a mosaic which has been in place for centuries. We have created digital set flooring and wall artwork many times in the past to be printed to represent carpets, rugs, wooden and stone flooring and mosaics.



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