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  >  Blog   >  Graphic Design in the 1940s
Graphic props and ephemera for WW2 set dressing

esign influences from the 1940s decade

Graphics in the nineteen forties was dominated by the influence and austerity of the Second World War. Although art and design movements from the 1930s persisted, the global conflict and resulting propaganda took over.

During WWII, graphic designers (including Abram Games, Alvin Lustig, Ladislav Sutnar and Herbert Matter), illustrators, and artists used their talents to disseminate information and propaganda – targeting the public with the aim of instilling patriotic feelings and hatred of the enemy. Later, instead of promoting countries war efforts, the same strategies were used to promote products and enterprises commercially.

The first generation of Abstract Expressionist artists (including Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko and Adolph Gottlieb) flourished between 1943 and the mid-1950s. The movement effectively shifted the art world’s focus from Europe to New York in the postwar years. 

View our library of World War 2 graphics and Set Dressing options

Acme have created a set of ‘off the shelf’ 1940s graphics and WWII set dressing items including propaganda posters, wartime products and ration props. They have been designed by us, or from designs which are now in the public domain which means they should be copyright free. We also have a library of period poster designs and prop graphics for many past eras.

second world war Propaganda posters

World War Two propaganda posters

We often print onto paper with a vintage feel, colour and texture for added authenticity, and we can use techniques to age them as necessary to fit your requirements.

Our past prop film poster design and prints include dressing for action movies, adventure films, rom-coms, comedy, crime, fantasy, historical drama, horror and mystery, science fiction and fantasy posters.

Ration Prop Design For WW2 Set Dressing

Wartime ration packs

If you are looking for 3D graphic props, hero items or set and background dressing props, Acme have the skills and tools to fabricate a variety of period documents and vintage ephemera. We always take great care with the artwork to include appropriate period lettering, colours, papers and finishes, then ‘age down’ if they are old documents, but are being featured in a contemporary scenario.

Please find some examples of ‘The Forties’ era prop posters in the following locations on the website under Categories:

Graphic Prop Decades

1940s Graphic Props

Posters – Period Posters

Documents – Period Documents

Signage – Period Signs

Publications – Period Books

Illustrations – Period


Acme also have the tools and facilities to make small props, we can supply detailed items for period and fantasy costume, see examples on the website here under:

Small Prop Makes with Fine Detail

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss your brief.

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