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The use of interactive digital screens are one of the newer graphic requests we receive and have become increasingly popular in recent years, mirroring today’s dependence on communication technology. Just as graphic props like newspapers are used as a storytelling tool, on-screen interfaces including smartphones, tablets and desktop computers are appearing regularly. Sometimes as background screen graphics that set the scene, digital screens can also be used to play a key role in the narrative. Police dramas are a genre that often require screen graphics, police database searches, search engines, news websites and online maps.

When creating screen graphics it is important to consider two main aspects, the authenticity and the usability. We try to ensure that the graphics we create are instantly recognisable, while not infringing the copyright of an existing application’s brand. We also consider all aspects of the application including how the actor will be interacting with it in front of the camera. We can provide the graphics in several formats, a fully functional app, an HTML webpage and a self-running video or flash sequence.

View our portfolio of previous screen graphics work, the graphics can be updated to fit your needs or a bespoke interface design can be created.


On screen and digital interactive graphics for on set authenticity

There are many solutions for displaying a text message conversation on screen, here is a short breakdown of some of the popular solutions on vimeo.
If that is too involved we can create the text to appear on actual small mobile screens for close up shots.

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