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  >  action props   >  Period props for A Very British Scandal
Multiple bound diary book props

Last year we were involved with providing graphics and printing for the BBC’s Boxing Day production of A Very British Scandal, following the notorious relationship breakdown between the Duke and Duchess of Argyl, overseen by experienced production designer Christina Moore.

The Duchess of Argyl's personal diary

The Duchess of Argyl’s personal diary

Getting the fifties and sixties period details for the props right, was critical

Period polaroid prints

Period 1960s polaroid prints

Set in the 1950s and 1960s the graphic props required an authentic period look and feel, we printed and bound multiple versions of the Duchess’s personal red leather diary. As the diary was written on in action, they needed to be practical and complete in terms of every day of the year being included. In addition to the diaries we made cigarette packs, record sleeves and other products, plus many period newspapers and magazines from the era, we also made explicitly sexual prints, to be from an early polaroid camera.

Multiple bound diary book props

Multiple bound diary book props

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