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  >  action props   >  How We Design For Christmas Adverts (UK)

The annual flurry of Christmas adverts always signifies the start of the festive season. For Acme, Christmas always arrives early, usually around mid-summer and this year was no exception. We have been busy making graphic props for several different Christmas commercials including Boots, Heathrow, Next and Burberry.

This sentimental advert tells the story of a mother-daughter relationship through the eyes of the daughter. For Boots, we made a number of graphic props, including the Hero magazine that features the glamorous hairdo that the mother tries and fails to replicate.

One of America’s biggest brands TJX – the company that owns T.J. Maxx, Marshalls and Home Goods, came to London to film their series of Christmas commercials. The commercials use the first-person point of view and focus on different Christmas lists. Unusually, the floor provides the backdrop; we were commissioned to design the bespoke tiles featured throughout the series.

The well-known Heathrow bears are back. As well as creating graphics fit for a bear’s fridge we also made graphics for the airport including some bear sized luggage tags.

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