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  >  Blog   >  Graphic Design for Netflix production ‘Scoop’
Pitch at Palace logo and crest design

In 2023 we recreated lots of graphics for Netflix film ‘Scoop’ which dramatises the infamous Emily Maitlis interview with Prince Andrew about his friendship with notorious convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The artwork included these vintage BBC handbook graphics which ended up being used for a glass wall decal in the office set dividing wall.

recreation of BBC graphic for Netflix production Scoop

It goes to show the fantastic level of detail that the art department and set designers put into this film.

Graphics from recent years has to be recreated accurately.

We replicated screen graphic designs from the 2019 Newsnight set background, which had to be as close as possible to the original work.

Screen graphics recreation for BBC newsnight screens to feature in Scoop

Screen graphics recreation for BBC newsnight screens to feature in Scoop

Photo Manipulation for Scoop

Here at Acme we have plenty of experience in photo manipulation for character photos. Whether it’s placing characters into group photos or into infamous scenes like the ‘Virginia Photo’ below.

Photo manipulation removing subjects so the actors can be inserted

For ‘Scoop’ we helped out in Pre-Production by removing all people from the photo so that the actors portraying them could be dropped in later when the production could take photos of them transformed into their characters from the amazing costume and makeup departments.

Website Recreation

Acme also helped in providing graphics for many of the screens in the Newsnight office set, including recreating the look of websites in that time period and the software used in TV broadcasting.

Website graphics recreation for BBC newsnight screens to feature in Scoop

We pride ourselves at Acme on our ability to accurately and convincingly recreate graphics and artwork from recent years, 20th Century decades and even past centuries. Follow these links for a broader selection of our period prop graphics and vintage artwork:

Acme period graphics organised into decades

Vintage and period posters

Period documents and paperwork



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