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  >  Blog   >  Birds of a feather flock to the Police!

The production of the new ITV version of Birds of a Feather, season two, is now in full swing. We have been working with the art department to create many Graphic Props for the show.

Apart from three batches of shopping bags, stickers and signs, we have also designed and printed some books and publications, including a commando-style cookbook, in the style of a Gordon Ramsey kitchen captain, running the staff with military precision.

We have also printed and mounted the usual life-size cut-outs of some of the characters, car tax disc and a mock-up aeroplane safety card.

Last week we generated Police station graphics for another production. The requests included convincing paper props, a crime scene log and case file folders. Finding good reference material was quite a challenge, as I assume the police are not too keen on allowing their paperwork to appear online.


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