On Screen Graphics for Netflix’s ‘The Innocents’
The change in weather has provided us with the perfect excuse to sit back, stay inside and watch all of the recent TV series that we have worked on. One of our latest TV series ‘The Innocents’ centres around two love stuck teenagers Harry and June, so – unsurprisingly popular social media apps are pivotal within the plot. We don’t want to give too much away, however, episode fours cliffhanger ending features the use of a phone and computer sequence designed by Acme Graphics.
Shared View is a bespoke, interactive animated sequence inspired by YouTube designed in house by our team of graphic designers. We created all the fundamentals from scratch, everything from the logo to the avatars. The animated sequence is based on the detailed action from the script and timed so that it is easy for the actors to use, communicating via the ‘youtube’ style social media app on smartphone and desktop computer platforms and more
The Innocents, Episode 4 Computer Sequence
The Innocents, Episode 4 Computer Sequence
The Innocents, Episode 5 Computer Sequence from Acme Graphics on Vimeo.
Episode 5 features the mobile phone application of Shared View, Acme created a native format that was compatible with multiple devices
The Innocents, Episode 5 Phone Sequence
Acme Graphics – Shared Phone Animation for Netflix from Acme Graphics on Vimeo.
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