For productions set in the 20th Century, we have compiled our library items for each decade into easy to access sets of prop graphics, starting with the 1940s World War 2 era, followed by the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s for you to view and select the items required. For comedy or drama set in a recent era, getting the period detail right is critical for maintaining authenticity and the suspension of disbelief.
At Acme, we pride ourselves on doing thorough research and creating period graphic props which are not only our creations, so unlikely to need copyright clearance, but are designed to look convincing. Typography and colour combinations are critical, but are so easy to overdo – resulting in more of a caricature of the decade’s style.
Each of the decades below generated iconic, recognisable styles and design movements which instantly communicate the essence of the times, we can help your art department create the look of the nineties, eighties, seventies, sixties, fifties or forties effectively, without breaking into a sweat or breaking the bank. Of course we can design graphics and props from any other decade before or after this 60 year span, just get in contact.